Study in UK

The island country and heart of Europe containing England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland makes up the whole of Great Britain. The root of literature sprouted from this historical part of the world with its biggest contribution of English language as one of the most common medium of communication throughout the world. The beautiful Great Britain has enjoyed the position of being one of the world’s top three destinations for higher education.

What programs can I seek admission from the platform of Study4Success?

We will arrange admissions in the following programs based on your qualification and satisfactory acceptance. These programs are:

College Certificate programs
Graduate Certification programs
Undergraduate degree programs
Research programs
Masters’ programs, Integrated Master’s and advanced degree programs including Post-Doctoral

Based on your academic level, your academic results, language proficiency score, and your budget or financials in perspective; our team will research the best suited educational institution providing you with most updated costs that you may have to bear for making your dream, a reality!

Why Study4Success?

Study4Success’s acceptance is unmatched and service delivery will satisfy you beyond expectation. You will get individual attention as a student registered with us until conclusion and service delivery.

*Study4Success reserves the right to accept or reject an application for registration. In case of rejecting a registration, Study4Success will fully reimburse the account that transacted.

What is a pathway or a bridge program?

The preparatory courses or mandatory programs prior to a degree program are what the pathway or foundation programs are for. These programs are offered by public and private universities, colleges, and institutions helping students fully transition into the British educational system. This program is extremely beneficial for those students who do not get readily accepted in any university or college.
Our team will fully explain you what all options there may be for you to flourish and the programs to get enrolled into what would also synchronize with your academic achievement and aspirations.

What are the British Educational Academic Levels?

Typically, there are Level – I to Level -VIII divisions translating from GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) to Doctorate or the highest academic level a student can achieve.

Every country is exclusive and different from another. You will experience a unique educational journey from the moment you take your first step. The initial steps may seem challenging but let yourself know that you are determined to make it happen and have it in you to make your dream come true.

There are a few must dos before you reach your dream destination, this part is very important because it involves application deadlines, language proficiency assessment, preparation for university interview, preparation of references from your past academic associations, and personal statement or statement of purpose/letter of intent along with justifiable academic qualification for the admission into any competitive program.

What about the Financial costs & scholarships

United Kingdom’s education system for International Students is expensive. Our team will help you under available set of resources with latest information to guide you realistically with figures such as:

Cost of Tuition Fee for type of program you wish to study
Living Expenses and what all it could cover
Housing costs including on-campus living, residence halls, studio apartments, and homestays
Textbooks & supplies

Most of the universities and colleges in the United Kingdom charge full fee for the term from international students but there are governmental/public/semi-public private scholarships also that are available to assist students encouraging them to study and pay the cost of education on behalf of the student. We share complete list of available organizations for our students to benefit based on their special circumstances.

Will I be allowed to work and study?

Yes, and how will that be made possible will depend on the route and program you have decided. Let us guide you one-on-one for all that you must know and as many times as you wish to know. Our team will extend its support and educate you regarding what all you must be made aware of.

Will I be able to live in the UK after I graduate?

The answer is again a “yes”. For how this will be made possible; also depends on your special and individual circumstance. Let us get in touch with you and go through each of the aspect in detail for us to explain and you to understand the possibility of Graduate Immigration Route and General Work Visa Tier 2 and Tier 5 programs.